The Fire Emergencies are unpredictable and costly for lives and property . To manage risk and hazards you need to be Fire Fighting system in building with count of ability that control fire. 3D Aqua Works Protect Your Building and it’s occupancies to a bounce fire protection plan.
Choosing a right Fire Protection System company
It's good to have basic sprinkler-based fire protection installed, but depending on the type of your business and the building itself, recommended (or required, depending on code) additional components may vary. For example, there are specific recommendations for tight spaces, atriums, open spaces, high-rise buildings and other types of premises.
At 3D Aqua, our team of experts specializes in high-quality fire and smoke protection systems, their installation and maintenance. And we're always happy to help you with a professional consultation about how to increase fire safety in your building and which system will be your best choice.
A fire protection system in a building is an extremely important part of its infrastructure to save people, assets and valuables in case of emergency. There are both active and passive systems that are better to combine for the highest level of fire safety. And also, it's important to consider smoke protection, because smoke is the number one threat to people's lives.
Check out our full line of smoke and fire protection products. Or contact us with any questions about picking the best fire and smoke protection systems for your building.
Fire fighting system project
Fire fighting system Design: The Fire fighting system is design to control fire through sprinkler system, alarm system and many more. We Provide designing of fire fire fighting as per standards of N.F.P.A (National fire protection association) and provide approval of fire fighting system.
Fire fighting system installation: Fire fighting system installation helps to control fire through fire fighting equipment. Installation of fire fire fighting system consist different fire retardants that sense fire and perform, which control all types of major fire.
Fire fighting system maintenance: Maintenance of fire fighting system is very tough job which keeps fire fighting system activated for any unexpected fire. Fire fighting system maintenance provides complete security against fire.
Benefits Of Fire Protection Systems
Fires can be very damaging for any business. They can spread very quickly through a workplace and consume anything and everything that comes in their way.
To prevent fires from doing a great deal of damage to your facility, it’s important that you have a fully functional fire protection system. This system is going to help you in stopping the fire before it becomes too big to control.
The following are some of the reasons why having such a system can be beneficial to you.
Safety of Workers: Fires endanger the lives of workers. A fire protection system can go a long way in ensuring that the workers remain safe from the fire. A fire safety system has a number of components or tools that the workers can use. Using these tools, the worker can successfully put out fires or at least control them until help arrives.
Compliance with Standards:The Building Code of India requires all businesses in the country to have a properly functioning fire safety system in place at their facilities. If you don’t have such a system at your workplace, then you will be in violation of this code which can land you in a great deal of trouble. Having a fire safety system can help you comply with standards and save you from legal action by the authorities too.
Cost Saving:A fire protection system can be of great value from a cost saving perspective too. It can help you in saving equipment that is worth a great deal of money. Moreover, the fire safety system can also keep the workers safe thereby saving you money which would otherwise had been spent on paying medical bills and rehabilitation of the injured workers.